Title: Forensic Scientist (Forensic Biology/DNA) I, II or III
Description: Onondaga County Health Department Forensic Laboratories
Syracuse, NY
Forensic Scientist (Forensic Biology/DNA) I, II or III
Salary: $67,048-90,340 DOE
Hours of work: 35 hours per week, Optional 4-Day Work Week Available
The work involves responsibility for collecting evidence, performing scientific testing and analyses of unknown biological substances/DNA and evidentiary material required in criminal investigations, preparation and presentation of findings in notes and written reports, serving as an expert witness in court, performing technical review of casework and performing quality control and quality assurance related tasks. Full job specifications are available here: Forensic Scientist I, Forensic Scientist II, and Forensic Scientist III. All work is performed in accordance with Federal and State accreditation requirements and departmental procedure manuals and guidelines.
Please email a cover letter, curriculum vitae, transcript(s), P-200 and P-202 found on the county Personnel website to:
Lauren Pyland, Director of Operations at laurenpyland@ongov.net
Deadline for applications: October 11, 2024
Closing Date for position: 10/11/2024
Location of Position:, New York
Additional Information: PDF Description of Opportunity